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You can stop the service, or the instance, or both, using the ORADIM utility. If you don t specify the service or the instance, the values specified in your Windows registry will be used as the default values. The following two examples show how to use the SHUTDOWN option of the ORADIM utility to shut down the database service and the instance. C:> ORADIM -SHUTDOWN -SID FINANCE C:> ORADIM -SHUTDOWN -SID FINANCE SHUTTYPE SRVC, INST

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Thus, if on some line in the /etc/hosts file, the system name stored in the node variable is in field 2, then the third field of that line will be displayed. When I run this command after setting the shell variable $node to casper, the output is the third field of the /etc/ hosts entry for casper: casper.mydomain.com.

When you use the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant to create a database, whether at the time you install the software or later on, Oracle will use the ORADIM utility to create the service. When you create a database manually in UNIX, there is no need to create a separate service for it, but in Windows systems you need to specifically create the database service after you create the database. You use the ORADIM utility to manually create the service. The following example illustrates how to create the instance for the FINANCE database: C:> ORADIM -NEW -SIDFINANCE -SRVC ORACLESERVICEFINANCE -INTPWD NEWPASS1 -STARTMODE AUTO

Again, I am assuming that the initialization file is in the default location; otherwise, you need to use the

In managed type definitions, class and struct affect the default visibility of type members. As in native C++, the default visibility is public for struct types and private for classes. To define members with another visibility, the keywords public, protected, and private can be used as usual. In native type definitions, the concept of friend visibility can be used to define exceptions to the normal visibility rules; friend declarations explicitly allow a set of types or functions in the same project to access members that would otherwise be invisible. The CTS does not have a friend construct, but there are additional visibility alternatives. In C++/CLI, the visibility modifiers internal, public protected, and protected private can be used. Type members with internal visibility can be accessed by all code in the same assembly. Instead of picking just some special types and functions that get extended access to private members (like the friend construct in C++), all types in the same assembly are allowed to access internal members. The variant public protected is the union of protected and internal visibility. This combination of the public and the protected keyword has a less restrictive part (public) and a more restrictive part (protected). The less restrictive part describes the visibility inside the assembly. The more restrictive part describes the visibility outside the assembly. Inside the assembly, all types can access public protected members; outside the assembly, only derived types can access public protected members.

If you need to change some of the important values, such as the instance name or the start-up mode, you can use the ORADIM utility with the EDIT command, as shown here: C:> ORADIM -EDIT -SID FINANCE -NEWSID NEWFIN

Finally, you can delete an instance using the ORADIM utility, as shown in the following two examples. The first command will delete the database instance, and the second, the database service: C:> ORADIM -DELETE -SID FINANCE C:> ORADIM -DELETE -SRVC FINANCE

Displaying a Range of Fields (Main Method)

Oracle Database 10g provides you with a graphical tool called the Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows NT, which makes it easy for you to configure users, administrators, and their roles. In addition, you can use the Administration Assistant to start and stop the databases. The Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows NT appears as part of the MMC window on your Windows server. These are the tasks you can perform with the help of the Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows NT: Create local and external operating system database roles for Windows domain users. Create and grant local and external operating system database roles to users and groups. Configure Windows DBAs and operators to access the database without a password. Start and stop the Oracle Service. Configure automatic startup and shutdown of the Oracle database along with the Oracle Service. Modify the Oracle home Windows registry parameters without using Regedit or Regedit32. The Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows NT is covered in detail in the following sections.

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